The Do’s and Don’ts for Commercial Fire Protection

The Do’s and Don’ts for Commercial Fire Protection

The old adage “Prevention is always better than the cure” rings especially true it comes to commercial fire protection If you make any errors in your commercial fire protection system, the damage that can occur to your building and its contents – not to mention human life – could be irreparable. To keep your commercial building safe, it it is crucial to remember the do’s and don’ts of fire protection.

Fire Extinguishers and Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire extinguishers are often used by individuals to put out smaller fires. Fire sprinkler systems, however, are used to control and prevent serious fire damage on a larger scale.


  • Ensure that you schedule regular maintenance of both of these systems in your building. Engage fire protection experts to help you do so.
  • Conduct routine tests to ensure that these systems are working properly.
  • Make sure that fire extinguishers are stored in areas that can be accessed easily. These areas must also be easily visible and open. In case of a fire, a blockage can occur, so steps should be taken to mitigate this whenever possible.
  • Train the occupants of a building on how to handle an extinguisher.


  • Neglect any possible issues that either of these systems may be facing. While it may be tempting to look away, even the most minute issues can be disastrous in the event of something as devastating and quickly-spreading as a fire.
  • Store your fire extinguishers in areas that are difficult to reach, not easily visible, or inaccessible in any other way
  • Forget to test these systems and schedule regular maintenance.

Fire Alarms:


  • Create an actionable plan should the alarm go off. Holding fire drills where the occupants of your building are fully aware of what should be done will be necessary. Let your building occupants know which exits they should take, what they should or should not do, and how to best react in case of a fire.
  • Conduct regular checks to ensure that your alarm system is functioning properly
  • Keep updated records of these checks and any other alarm-related activities


  • Forget to schedule regular maintenance and checks
  • Brush off any false alarms. All alarms are worth investigating and should be handled thoroughly.

Emergency Lighting and Exits

Ensuring that these systems are in tip-top shape is necessary to make sure that no one gets lost during a fire.


  • Install emergency lighting throughout the building.
  • Conduct regular maintenance and inspections of these lighting systems.
  • Ensure that all emergency exits have illuminated signage.
  • Keep pathways to the exits clear at all times


  • Neglect any burnt-out lighting
  • Block emergency exits with obstacles or any other materials that could become potential fire hazards.

Always Be Prepared

Unfortunately, fires can happen at any time. Even humid and lush Florida runs the risk of wildfires. It is important to always keep on top of fire safety procedures. You should also know if your state is a standard fire policy state.


    Notes (optional): "Please feel free to address anything else (your title, number of buildings, number of stories, number of units, etc.)"