Why You Should Hire A Public Adjuster After A Hurricane
Many people have to deal with significant property damage due to hurricanes. Insurance claims are often the only source of financial relief that help them deal with their loss and rebuild their lives. However, claiming insurance is a tricky process fraught with complications.
Aside from the paperwork that comes with filing a claim, policyholders are at the mercy of insurance companies. The sad truth is that insurance companies are notorious for underpaying or denying the fair payout owed to their policyholders.
Fighting such insurance companies can be difficult if you are unfamiliar with insurance laws and other claim-related intricacies. This is why you need a trustworthy expert to represent you and assist you in obtaining an equitable settlement. Here are some of the most important reasons you should hire a public adjuster after a hurricane.
Expertise and Experience
All policyholders hope to receive the best possible settlement while filing a claim. However, if you do not have a professional on your side, this dream may not become a reality. Insurance claims are complicated by laws and caveats that the average policyholder may not be familiar with. Public adjusters are state-licensed professionals who have been trained to decipher and simplify such jargon. They carefully review your policy coverage and use their expertise to help clients obtain the best possible settlement.
Public Adjusters Work for You
Some policyholders mistakenly believe that insurance companies are on their side. They may blindly follow the advice and suggestions provided by their insurance policy, only to receive an unfair settlement. In reality, insurance companies are for-profit businesses that work by minimizing the amount of money they pay out to policyholders. In contrast, public adjusters work ONLY for you. They protect your interests by utilizing their expert knowledge and negotiating on your behalf with insurance companies to obtain the best possible settlement.
They Get Paid When You Get Paid
The majority of public adjusters work on a contingency basis. This means they will receive a predetermined percentage of your settlement. There are usually no fees before that happens, so you won’t have to pay anything out of pocket. Because their pay is directly related to your settlement, they work harder to maximize your coverage.
Help Avoid Mistakes
Filing a claim is a tricky process that requires a great deal of paperwork, processes, and negotiations. Policyholders are typically distressed as a result of hurricane-related losses, so dealing with these processes may be doubly difficult during this time. Inadvertent errors or missteps in the process may result in them not receiving the best possible coverage for their damages.
Public adjusters remove emotions from the equation and help you settle your claims in a calm, clear, and dedicated manner. They ensure that they fairly assess the scope of the damage, file claims on time, and judiciously carry out all necessary documentation.
Dealing with the reality of a hurricane is difficult enough without having to contend with profit-driven insurance companies. Hiring a public adjuster will lighten your load and allow you to concentrate on obtaining the most equitable coverage for your losses.